API Access

A web API endpoint for executing DSL queries is available. The examples on this page illustrate how to make a DSL query using the web API.


The Dimensions CRIS API is limited to 30 requests per user per minute.

CURL Example

This example shows a minimal way to query the API from the command-line. This should be easily transferable to any other programming language or environment.

To obtain Access token, send a GET request to token endpoint with the API key as a query parameter

export DSL_TOKEN="$(curl -X GET "https://cris-api.dimensions.ai/v2/token?api_key=xxx")"

To query the API, make a POST request. The token is valid for one hour and needs to be refreshed then.

curl -X POST https://cris-api.dimensions.ai/v2/api/query -H "authorization: Bearer $DSL_TOKEN" -d 'search publications return publications'

Python Example

This example shows a minimal way to query the API from Python.

import requests

#   Your access credentials
key = "your cris-api key"

#   Send credentials to login url to retrieve token. Raise
#   an error, if the return code indicates a problem.
resp = requests.get("https://cris-api.dimensions.ai/v2/token?api_key="+key)

#   Create http header using the generated token.
headers = {
    'Authorization': "Bearer " + resp.text

#   Execute DSL query.
resp = requests.post(
    data='search publications for "graphene" return publications'.encode(),

#   Display raw result


Please note escaping rules in Python. For example, when writing a query with escaped quotes, such as:

search publications for "\"phrase 1\" AND \"phrase 2\""

in Python, it is necessary to escape the backslashes as well, so it would look like:

resp = requests.post(
    data='search publications for "\\"phrase 1\\" AND \\"phrase 2\\""',

Similar escaping rules might apply to other programming languages than Python as well.