Release Notes and Deprecations

Versions History

This page contains version history information for the version 3 of the Dimensions CRIS API.


Older release notes are available on the legacy CRIS API Version 2 documentation. NOTE: The legacy version of the API is in maintenance mode and will no longer be available from 2023.

Version 3.1.1 — 2023, August, Week of 7th

  1. Improved handling of evaluation errors which return proper HTTP status code.

Version 3.1.0 — 2022, October, Week of 10th

  1. New fields category_for_2008 and category_for_2020 in all relevant content sources. category_for field remains an alias for the category_for_2008 in this release.

Version 3.0.0 — 2021, October, Week of 18th

This release brings about many improvements to the overall stability and performance of the API, but most importantly, it removes all previously deprecated fields. By doing so, it gives us a more solid platform on which to continue innovating by adding new features to the API and the Dimensions Search Language. See also the how to upgrade from V1 to V2 page.

New features:

  1. The return <source> syntax is now optional (see the search source page)

  2. New search field acknowledgements in publications

  3. Triple quotes syntax for full-text search

Deprecations History

This section lists API v cris-3.1 fields and search fields that have been deprecated and should not be used (for older deprecations, see also the legacy V2 API deprecations page).


This fields will be supported in versions cris-3.1.x and removed in the next major release. To ensure full compatibility with the upcoming major release, it is recommend to stop using deprecated fields as soon as possible.

Deprecated Fields

Partially Deprecated Fields

On the following fields only certain features are deprecated (e.g. filtering or faceting).

Deprecated Search Indexes

Deprecated Functions