Reasonable Use

The purpose of Dimensions on GBQ is to provide the ability to perform large scale analyses of Dimensions data quickly and easily within the GBQ environment, and not the creation of local copies of the data or other data tables. Where exports are required, this should be limited to what is agreed as part of your subscription, and any such approved exports should be limited to what is necessary for the particular task being performed, which must be carried out in a secure and monitored environment, not multiple or undefined use cases.

If you require access to substantial volumes of Dimensions data outside of the GBQ environment, to create separate tables or to give access to other users, please let us know so we can advise on the most appropriate means of getting that access.

We reserve the right to impose such export limits and usage guidelines as we consider are reasonable and to require the deletion of exported data that we do not consider at our discretion to be fair use. Please also make sure you comply with the other terms of your Dimensions subscription.