This page contains information about the Publications data source in the Dimensions BigQuery project.
See also
Dimensions DSL API Documentation for this type is also available from here.
Publications Schema¶
Field |
Type |
Description |
Example |
Entity: BilingualValue |
The abstract of a publication. |
{"preferred": "Objective Present study investigated the mechanism of heart failure associated with coronavirus infection and predicted potential effective therapeutic drugs against heart failure associated with coronavirus infection. Methods Coronavirus and heart failure were searched in the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) and omics data were selected to meet experimental requirements. Differentially expressed genes were analyzed using the Limma package in R language to screen for differentially expressed genes. The two sets of differential genes were introduced into the R language cluster Profiler package for gene ontology (GO) and Kyoto gene and genome encyclopedia (KEGG) pathway enrichment analysis. Two sets of intersections were taken. A protein interaction network was constructed for all differentially expressed genes using STRING database and core genes were screened. Finally, the apparently accurate treatment prediction platform (EpiMed) independently developed by the team was used to predict the therapeutic drug. Results The GSE59185 coronavirus data set was searched and screened in the GEO database, and divided into wt group, \u0394E group, \u03943 group, \u03945 group according to different subtypes, and compared with control group. After the difference analysis, 191 up-regulated genes and 18 down-regulated genes were defined. The GEO126062 heart failure data set was retrieved and screened from the GEO database. A total of 495 differentially expressed genes were screened, of which 165 were up-regulated and 330 were down-regulated. Correlation analysis of differentially expressed genes between coronavirus and heart failure was performed. After cross processing, there were 20 GO entries, which were mainly enriched in virus response, virus defense response, type \u2160 interferon response, \u03b3 interferon regulation, innate immune response regulation, negative regulation of virus life cycle, replication regulation of viral genome, etc . There are 5 KEGG pathways, mainly interacting with tumor necrosis factor signaling pathway, IL-17 signaling pathway, cytokine and receptor interaction, Toll-like receptor signaling pathway, human giant cells viral infection related. All differentially expressed genes were introduced into the SREING online analysis website for protein interaction network analysis, and core genes such as \tsignal transducer and activator of transcription 3, IL-10, IL17, TNF, \tinterferon regulatory factor 9, \t2'-5'-oligoadenylate synthetase 1, \tmitogen-activated protein kinase 3, \tradical s-adenosyl methionine domain containing 2, \tc-x-c motif chemokine ligand 10, caspase 3 and other genes were screened. The drugs predicted by EpiMed's apparent precision treatment prediction platform for disease-drug association analysis are mainly TNF-\u03b1 inhibitors, resveratrol, ritonavir, paeony, retinoic acid, forsythia, and houttuynia cordata. Conclusions The abnormal activation of multiple inflammatory pathways may be the cause of heart failure in patients after coronavirus infection. Resveratrol, ritonavir, retinoic acid, amaranth, forsythia, houttuynia may have therapeutic effects. Future basic and clinical research is warranted to validate present results and hypothesis.", "original": "\u76ee\u7684 \u63a2\u8ba8\u51a0\u72b6\u75c5\u6bd2\u611f\u67d3\u6240\u81f4\u5fc3\u529b\u8870\u7aed(\u5fc3\u8870)\u7684\u673a\u5236,\u5e76\u9884\u6d4b\u5bf9\u5176\u53ef\u80fd\u6709\u7597\u6548\u7684\u836f\u7269\u3002 \u65b9\u6cd5 \u5728\u57fa\u56e0\u8868\u8fbe\u6570\u636e\u5e93(GEO)\u68c0\u7d22\u51a0\u72b6\u75c5\u6bd2\u548c\u5fc3\u8870,\u5e76\u7b5b\u9009\u7b26\u5408\u5b9e\u9a8c\u8981\u6c42\u7684\u7ec4\u5b66\u6570\u636e\u3002\u91c7\u7528R\u8bed\u8a00Limma\u7a0b\u5e8f\u5305\u8fdb\u884c\u5dee\u5f02\u8868\u8fbe\u57fa\u56e0\u5206\u6790,\u7b5b\u9009\u5dee\u5f02\u8868\u8fbe\u57fa\u56e0\u3002\u5c06\u4e24\u7ec4\u5dee\u5f02\u57fa\u56e0\u5bfc\u5165R\u8bed\u8a00clusterProfiler\u5305\u8fdb\u884c\u57fa\u56e0\u672c\u4f53\u5b66(GO)\u548c\u4eac\u90fd\u57fa\u56e0\u4e0e\u57fa\u56e0\u7ec4\u767e\u79d1\u5168\u4e66(KEGG)\u901a\u8def\u5bcc\u96c6\u5206\u6790,\u53d6\u4e24\u7ec4\u7ed3\u679c\u7684\u4ea4\u96c6\u3002\u91c7\u7528STRING\u6570\u636e\u5e93\u5bf9\u6240\u6709\u5dee\u5f02\u8868\u8fbe\u57fa\u56e0\u6784\u5efa\u86cb\u767d\u8d28\u4e92\u4f5c\u7f51\u7edc\u5e76\u7b5b\u9009\u6838\u5fc3\u57fa\u56e0\u3002\u6700\u540e\u91c7\u7528\u56e2\u961f\u81ea\u4e3b\u7814\u53d1\u7684\u8868\u89c2\u7cbe\u51c6\u6cbb\u7597\u9884\u6d4b\u5e73\u53f0EpiMed\u9884\u6d4b\u51a0\u72b6\u75c5\u6bd2\u6240\u81f4\u5fc3\u8870\u7684\u6cbb\u7597\u836f\u7269\u3002 \u7ed3\u679c \u5728GEO\u6570\u636e\u5e93\u68c0\u7d22\u5e76\u7b5b\u9009\u5f97\u5230GSE59185\u51a0\u72b6\u75c5\u6bd2\u6570\u636e\u96c6,\u6839\u636e\u4e0d\u540c\u7684\u4e9a\u578b\u5206\u4e3awt\u7ec4\u3001\u2206E\u7ec4\u3001\u22063\u7ec4\u3001\u22065\u7ec4\u3001\u5bf9\u7167\u7ec45\u7ec4\u6837\u672c,\u5dee\u5f02\u5206\u6790\u53d1\u73b0\u5404\u4e9a\u7ec4\u4ea4\u96c6\u4e0a\u8c03\u57fa\u56e0191\u4e2a,\u4e0b\u8c03\u57fa\u56e018\u4e2a\u3002\u5728GEO\u6570\u636e\u5e93\u68c0\u7d22\u5e76\u7b5b\u9009\u5f97\u5230GSE126062\u5fc3\u8870\u6570\u636e\u96c6,\u5171\u7b5b\u9009\u5dee\u5f02\u8868\u8fbe\u57fa\u56e0495\u4e2a,\u5176\u4e2d\u4e0a\u8c03165\u4e2a,\u4e0b\u8c03330\u4e2a\u3002\u51a0\u72b6\u75c5\u6bd2\u4e0e\u5fc3\u8870\u5dee\u5f02\u8868\u8fbe\u57fa\u56e0\u5bcc\u96c6\u5206\u6790,\u53d6\u4ea4\u96c6\u5904\u7406\u5171\u6709GO\u6761\u76ee20\u6761,\u4e3b\u8981\u5bcc\u96c6\u5728\u75c5\u6bd2\u53cd\u5e94\u3001\u75c5\u6bd2\u9632\u5fa1\u53cd\u5e94\u3001\u2160\u578b\u5e72\u6270\u7d20\u53cd\u5e94\u3001\u03b3\u5e72\u6270\u7d20\u8c03\u8282\u3001\u5148\u5929\u514d\u75ab\u53cd\u5e94\u8c03\u8282\u3001\u75c5\u6bd2\u751f\u547d\u5468\u671f\u8d1f\u8c03\u63a7\u3001\u75c5\u6bd2\u57fa\u56e0\u7ec4\u590d\u5236\u8c03\u63a7\u7b49;\u5171\u67095\u6761KEGG\u901a\u8def,\u4e3b\u8981\u4e0e\u80bf\u7624\u574f\u6b7b\u56e0\u5b50(TNF)\u4fe1\u53f7\u901a\u8def\u3001\u767d\u7ec6\u80de\u4ecb\u7d20(IL)-17\u4fe1\u53f7\u901a\u8def\u3001\u7ec6\u80de\u56e0\u5b50\u4e0e\u53d7\u4f53\u76f8\u4e92\u4f5c\u7528\u3001Toll\u6837\u53d7\u4f53\u4fe1\u53f7\u901a\u8def\u3001\u4eba\u7c7b\u5de8\u7ec6\u80de\u75c5\u6bd2\u611f\u67d3\u6709\u5173\u3002\u86cb\u767d\u4e92\u4f5c\u7f51\u7edc\u5206\u6790\u7b5b\u9009\u51fa\u4fe1\u53f7\u4f20\u5bfc\u53ca\u8f6c\u5f55\u6fc0\u6d3b\u86cb\u767d3\u3001IL-10\u3001IL-17\u3001TNF\u3001\u5e72\u6270\u7d20\u8c03\u8282\u56e0\u5b509\u30012',5'-\u5be1\u817a\u82f7\u9178\u5408\u6210\u91761\u3001\u4e1d\u88c2\u539f\u6d3b\u5316\u86cb\u767d\u6fc0\u91763\u3001S-\u817a\u82f7\u7532\u786b\u6c28\u9178\u57fa\u533a\u57df\u86cb\u767d2\u3001CXC\u8d8b\u5316\u56e0\u5b50\u914d\u4f5310\u3001\u534a\u80f1\u6c28\u9178\u5929\u51ac\u6c28\u9178\u86cb\u767d\u91763\u517110\u4e2a\u6838\u5fc3\u57fa\u56e0\u3002EpiMed\u5e73\u53f0\u9884\u6d4b\u53ef\u80fd\u5bf9\u51a0\u72b6\u75c5\u6bd2\u6240\u81f4\u5fc3\u8870\u6709\u6548\u7684\u836f\u7269\u4e3aTNF-\u03b1\u6291\u5236\u5242\u3001\u767d\u85dc\u9187\u3001\u5229\u6258\u90a3\u97e6\u3001\u767d\u828d\u3001\u7ef4\u7532\u9178\u3001\u8fde\u7fd8\u3001\u9c7c\u8165\u8349\u7b49\u3002 \u7ed3\u8bba \u591a\u4e2a\u708e\u75c7\u901a\u8def\u7684\u5f02\u5e38\u6d3b\u5316\u53ef\u80fd\u662f\u51a0\u72b6\u75c5\u6bd2\u611f\u67d3\u6240\u81f4\u5fc3\u8870\u7684\u539f\u56e0,\u767d\u85dc\u82a6\u9187\u3001\u5229\u6258\u90a3\u97e6\u3001\u7ef4\u7532\u9178\u3001\u767d\u828d\u3001\u8fde\u7fd8\u3001\u9c7c\u8165\u8349\u53ef\u80fd\u5bf9\u5176\u5177\u6709\u6cbb\u7597\u4f5c\u7528\u3002"} |
Entity: BilingualValue |
The acknowledgements section text as found in the source document. |
{"preferred": "This research was supported by the Minas Gerais State Foundation for Research Support (FAPEMIG/Brazil), by the National Program for Academic Cooperation of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES/Brazil), by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq/Brazil) and by the Foundation for Research Support of S\u00e3o Paulo (FAPESP) (n\u00b0 2018/24707-0). The authors are grateful for the scholarships granted.", "original": null} |
Entity: Altmetric |
If available, Altmetric details relating to the publication. |
{"id": "77676422", "score": "34466"} |
Literal: String |
arXiv identifier (e.g. ‘arXiv:2102.02477’). |
"arXiv:2101.02602" |
Array of < Entity: Author > |
Ordered list of author names and their affiliations, as they appear in the original publication. The listing can include researcher and organization identifiers, where available. |
[{"first_name": "Kristian G.", "last_name": "Andersen", "initials": null, "researcher_id": "ur.0701117322.53", "grid_ids": ["grid.214007.0"], "orcid": ["0000-0002-3325-5785"], "corresponding": true, "raw_affiliations": ["Department of Immunology and Microbiology, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA", "Scripps Research Translational Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA"], "affiliations_address": [{"grid_id": "grid.214007.0", "city_id": "5391811", "state_code": "US-CA", "country_code": "US", "raw_affiliation": "Department of Immunology and Microbiology, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA"}, {"grid_id": null, "city_id": null, "state_code": null, "country_code": null, "raw_affiliation": "Scripps Research Translational Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA"}]}, {"first_name": "Andrew", "last_name": "Rambaut", "initials": null, "researcher_id": "ur.0633743356.16", "grid_ids": ["grid.4305.2"], "orcid": null, "corresponding": false, "raw_affiliations": ["Institute of Evolutionary Biology, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK"], "affiliations_address": [{"grid_id": "grid.4305.2", "city_id": "2650225", "state_code": null, "country_code": "GB", "raw_affiliation": "Institute of Evolutionary Biology, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK"}]}, {"first_name": "W. Ian", "last_name": "Lipkin", "initials": null, "researcher_id": "ur.01306555033.15", "grid_ids": ["grid.21729.3f"], "orcid": null, "corresponding": false, "raw_affiliations": ["Center for Infection and Immunity, Mailman School of Public Health of Columbia University, New York, NY, USA"], "affiliations_address": [{"grid_id": "grid.21729.3f", "city_id": "5128581", "state_code": "US-NY", "country_code": "US", "raw_affiliation": "Center for Infection and Immunity, Mailman School of Public Health of Columbia University, New York, NY, USA"}]}, {"first_name": "Edward C.", "last_name": "Holmes", "initials": null, "researcher_id": "ur.012501436222.04", "grid_ids": ["grid.1013.3"], "orcid": null, "corresponding": false, "raw_affiliations": ["Marie Bashir Institute for Infectious Diseases and Biosecurity, School of Life and Environmental Sciences and School of Medical Sciences, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia"], "affiliations_address": [{"grid_id": "grid.1013.3", "city_id": "2147714", "state_code": "AU-NSW", "country_code": "AU", "raw_affiliation": "Marie Bashir Institute for Infectious Diseases and Biosecurity, School of Life and Environmental Sciences and School of Medical Sciences, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia"}]}, {"first_name": "Robert F.", "last_name": "Garry", "initials": null, "researcher_id": "ur.01051136257.59", "grid_ids": ["grid.265219.b", "grid.505518.c"], "orcid": null, "corresponding": false, "raw_affiliations": ["Tulane University, School of Medicine, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, New Orleans, LA, USA", "Zalgen Labs, Germantown, MD, USA"], "affiliations_address": [{"grid_id": "grid.265219.b", "city_id": "4335045", "state_code": "US-LA", "country_code": "US", "raw_affiliation": "Tulane University, School of Medicine, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, New Orleans, LA, USA"}, {"grid_id": "grid.505518.c", "city_id": "4356050", "state_code": "US-MD", "country_code": "US", "raw_affiliation": "Zalgen Labs, Germantown, MD, USA"}]}] |
Entity: BilingualValue |
Title of the book series that a publication belongs to. |
{"preferred": "EAI Series on East Asia"} |
Entity: BilingualValue |
The title of the book a chapter belongs to (note: this field is available only for chapters). |
{"preferred": "China's Economic Modernisation and Structural Changes"} |
Entity: VersionedCategories |
Versioned categorisations, holding different versions of the category types based on the different revisions of machine learning models. The top-level categories (ie. ‘category_for’) represent the most recent model version available and matches ‘’ as well as the DSL API. |
{"bra_v1": {"values": ["Public Health"], "full": [{"id": "4003", "value": "Public Health"}]}, "bra_v2020": {"values": ["Public Health"], "full": [{"id": "4003", "value": "Public Health"}]}, "for_v1": {"first_level": {"codes": ["06", "03", "05"], "full": [{"id": "2206", "code": "06", "name": "Biological Sciences"}, {"id": "2203", "code": "03", "name": "Chemical Sciences"}, {"id": "2205", "code": "05", "name": "Environmental Sciences"}]}, "second_level": {"codes": [], "full": []}}, "hra_v1": null, "hrcs_hc_v1": {"values": ["Cancer", "Respiratory"], "full": [{"id": "911", "value": "Cancer"}, {"id": "896", "value": "Respiratory"}]}, "hrcs_rac_v1": null, "hrcs_hc_v2020": {"values": ["Cancer", "Respiratory"], "full": [{"id": "911", "value": "Cancer"}, {"id": "896", "value": "Respiratory"}]}, "hrcs_rac_v2020": null, "icrp_cso_v1": {"codes": ["3.1", "2.1"], "full": [{"id": "3755", "code": "3.1", "name": "Interventions to Prevent Cancer: Personal Behaviors That Affect Cancer Risk"}, {"id": "3751", "code": "2.1", "name": "Exogenous Factors in the Origin and Cause of Cancer"}]}, "icrp_ct_v1": {"values": ["Lung Cancer", "Laryngeal Cancer", "Pharyngeal Cancer"], "full": [{"id": "3809", "value": "Lung Cancer"}, {"id": "3806", "value": "Laryngeal Cancer"}, {"id": "3822", "value": "Pharyngeal Cancer"}]}, "rcdc_v1": {"values": ["Prevention", "Clinical Research", "Tobacco Smoke and Health", "Health Effects of Indoor Air Pollution", "Tobacco"], "full": [{"id": "558", "value": "Prevention"}, {"id": "507", "value": "Clinical Research"}, {"id": "480", "value": "Tobacco Smoke and Health"}, {"id": "529", "value": "Health Effects of Indoor Air Pollution"}, {"id": "412", "value": "Tobacco"}]}, "icrp_cso_v2020": {"codes": ["3.1", "2.1"], "full": [{"id": "3755", "code": "3.1", "name": "Interventions to Prevent Cancer: Personal Behaviors That Affect Cancer Risk"}, {"id": "3751", "code": "2.1", "name": "Exogenous Factors in the Origin and Cause of Cancer"}]}, "icrp_ct_v2020": {"values": ["Lung Cancer", "Laryngeal Cancer", "Pharyngeal Cancer"], "full": [{"id": "3809", "value": "Lung Cancer"}, {"id": "3806", "value": "Laryngeal Cancer"}, {"id": "3822", "value": "Pharyngeal Cancer"}]}, "sdg_v1": {"codes": ["3"], "full": [{"id": "40003", "code": "3", "name": "Good Health and Well Being"}]}, "uoa_v1": {"codes": ["B07"], "full": [{"id": "30007", "code": "B07", "name": "Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences"}]}} |
Entity: SimpleCategorization |
{"values": ["Clinical Medicine and Science"], "full": [{"id": "4001", "value": "Clinical Medicine and Science"}]} |
Entity: ComplexSystematicCategorization |
{"first_level": {"codes": ["10", "08"], "full": [{"id": "2210", "code": "10", "name": "Technology"}, {"id": "2208", "code": "08", "name": "Information and Computing Sciences"}]}, "second_level": {"codes": ["0804", "0801", "0803", "1005"], "full": [{"id": "2777", "code": "0804", "name": "Data Format"}, {"id": "2746", "code": "0801", "name": "Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing"}, {"id": "2766", "code": "0803", "name": "Computer Software"}, {"id": "3001", "code": "1005", "name": "Communications Technologies"}]}} |
Entity: SimpleCategorization |
{"values": ["Biomedical"], "full": [{"id": "3900", "value": "Biomedical"}]} |
Entity: SimpleCategorization |
{"values": ["Cardiovascular", "Metabolic and Endocrine", "Cancer"], "full": [{"id": "894", "value": "Cardiovascular"}, {"id": "906", "value": "Metabolic and Endocrine"}, {"id": "911", "value": "Cancer"}]} |
Entity: SystematicCategorization |
{"codes": ["4.1", "4.2", "8.4"], "full": [{"id": "10401", "code": "4.1", "name": "Discovery and preclinical testing of markers and technologies"}, {"id": "10402", "code": "4.2", "name": "Evaluation of markers and technologies"}, {"id": "10804", "code": "8.4", "name": "Research design and methodologies"}]} |
Entity: SystematicCategorization |
{"codes": ["4.1", "4.3", "4.2"], "full": [{"id": "3761", "code": "4.1", "name": "Technology Development and/or Marker Discovery"}, {"id": "3763", "code": "4.3", "name": "Technology and/or Marker Testing in a Clinical Setting"}, {"id": "3762", "code": "4.2", "name": "Technology and/or Marker Evaluation With Respect to Fundamental Parameters of Method"}]} |
Entity: SimpleCategorization |
{"values": ["Leukemia / Leukaemia", "Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma", "Hodgkin's Disease"], "full": [{"id": "3807", "value": "Leukemia / Leukaemia"}, {"id": "3815", "value": "Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma"}, {"id": "3803", "value": "Hodgkin's Disease"}]} |
Entity: SimpleCategorization |
{"values": ["Foodborne Illness", "Vaccine Related", "Biodefense", "Digestive Diseases", "Immunization", "Biotechnology", "Prevention", "Infectious Diseases", "Emerging Infectious Diseases"], "full": [{"id": "522", "value": "Foodborne Illness"}, {"id": "583", "value": "Vaccine Related"}, {"id": "499", "value": "Biodefense"}, {"id": "344", "value": "Digestive Diseases"}, {"id": "531", "value": "Immunization"}, {"id": "338", "value": "Biotechnology"}, {"id": "558", "value": "Prevention"}, {"id": "533", "value": "Infectious Diseases"}, {"id": "520", "value": "Emerging Infectious Diseases"}]} |
Entity: SystematicCategorization |
{"codes": ["10", "5", "8"], "full": [{"id": "40010", "code": "10", "name": "Reduced Inequalities"}, {"id": "40005", "code": "5", "name": "Gender Equality"}, {"id": "40008", "code": "8", "name": "Decent Work and Economic Growth"}]} |
Entity: SystematicCategorization |
{"codes": ["A06", "B12", "C14"], "full": [{"id": "30006", "code": "A06", "name": "Agriculture, Veterinary and Food Science"}, {"id": "30012", "code": "B12", "name": "Engineering"}, {"id": "30014", "code": "C14", "name": "Geography and Environmental Studies"}]} |
Array of < Entity: Citation > |
Citing publications, provides both Dimensions publication ID as well as the year of citation. |
[{"id": "pub.1128385667", "year": 2020}, {"id": "pub.1128509866", "year": 2020}, {"id": "pub.1128765783", "year": 2020}, {"id": "pub.1128666354", "year": 2020}, {"id": "pub.1128838393", "year": 2020}, {"id": "pub.1129306616", "year": 2020}, {"id": "pub.1128380008", "year": 2020}] |
Literal: Integer |
Number of citations. |
7 |
Array of < Literal: String > |
List of Dimensions clinical trial IDs mentioned in the full text of the publication. |
["NCT02477800", "NCT02484547"] |
Array of < Entity: Concept > |
Concepts describing the main topics of a publication (note: automatically derived from the publication text using machine learning). |
[{"concept": "Western cultural products", "relevance": "0.648"}, {"concept": "cultural products", "relevance": "0.598"}, {"concept": "Western culture", "relevance": "0.590"}, {"concept": "ideological tool", "relevance": "0.588"}, {"concept": "Soviet Lithuania", "relevance": "0.570"}, {"concept": "Lithuanian society", "relevance": "0.565"}, {"concept": "foreign trademarks", "relevance": "0.563"}, {"concept": "Soviet society", "relevance": "0.539"}, {"concept": "symbolic expressions", "relevance": "0.537"}, {"concept": "Soviet authorities", "relevance": "0.535"}] |
Array of < Entity: Concept > |
Concepts describing the main topics of a publication (note: automatically derived from the publication text using machine learning). Restricted to concepts with a relevance score of >= 0.5. |
Entity: Conference |
Details of the associated conference. |
{"name": "2018 Physics Education Research Conference", "location": "Washington, DC"} |
Literal: String |
The copyright status as found in the source document. |
"\u00a9 The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited 2020" |
Literal: String |
The publication date for the version of record of a document, eg “2018-01-01” (note: dates can sometimes be incomplete and include only the month or the year). |
"2020-04" |
Literal: String |
The publication acceptance date. |
Literal: Timestamp |
Timestamp when the publication was last imported into BigQuery. Incremental changes can be determined using this field. Note, however that at certain times all records may be reimported. |
"2020-08-04 01:53:36 UTC" |
Literal: Timestamp |
Date when the record was inserted into Dimensions. |
"2020-03-18 19:04:33 UTC" |
Literal: Date |
The publication date for the version of record of a document, normalised for partial dates which do not include a month/day value (ie. ‘2020’ converts to ‘2020-01-01’). |
"2021-01-19" |
Literal: String |
The publication online date. |
"2021-01-19" |
Literal: String |
The publication print date. |
"2021-01-19" |
Literal: String |
The publication submission date. |
Entity: DocumentType |
The automated document type classification. |
{"classification": "RESEARCH_ARTICLE", "is_citable": "true"} |
Literal: String |
Digital object identifier. |
"10.1038/s41591-020-0820-9" |
Array of < Entity: Editor > |
For supported publication types, the associated editors. |
[{"first_name": {"preferred": "Stefan"}, "last_name": {"preferred": "Pohlmann"}}, {"first_name": {"preferred": "Gabriele"}, "last_name": {"preferred": "Vierzigmann"}}, {"first_name": {"preferred": "Thomas"}, "last_name": {"preferred": "Doy\u00e9"}}] |
Literal: String |
For supported publication types, the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) of an electronic edition. |
"978-1-351-65285-8" |
Entity: Event |
Details of the associated event. |
Array of < Literal: String > |
Country of the organisations funding this publication, identified using GeoNames codes. |
Array of < Literal: String > |
The GRID organisations funding this publication. |
["grid.452896.4", "grid.280128.1", "grid.413452.5", "grid.52788.30", "grid.419681.3"] |
Array of < Entity: Funding > |
List of details regarding funding associated with the publication. |
[{"grant_id": null, "grid_id": "grid.52788.30"}, {"grant_id": "grant.6809668", "grid_id": "grid.413452.5"}, {"grant_id": "grant.7159458", "grid_id": "grid.52788.30"}, {"grant_id": "grant.2691343", "grid_id": "grid.280128.1"}, {"grant_id": "grant.6814152", "grid_id": "grid.452896.4"}, {"grant_id": "grant.8472835", "grid_id": "grid.419681.3"}, {"grant_id": "grant.7439078", "grid_id": "grid.419681.3"}, {"grant_id": "grant.7072708", "grid_id": "grid.280128.1"}] |
Entity: BilingualValue |
The funding section text as found in the source document. |
{"preferred": "ASA is funded from NIH Grant R37GM057260-20, the Stowers Institute for Medical Research and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. EMD is funded from a Pilot Project award under NIH Grant GM121327 and The University of Kentucky. The 2016 CdeC Workshop for Developmental Biology was funded by a grant from the Center for Teaching, Learning, & Outreach (CTLO).", "original": null} |
Literal: String |
Dimensions publication ID. |
"pub.1125686004" |
Literal: String |
For supported publication types, the International Standard Book Number (ISBN). |
"978-0-7918-5833-2" |
Literal: String |
The issue number of a publication. |
"4" |
Entity: Journal |
Deprecated Using |
{"id": "jour.1113716", "title": "Nature Medicine", "issn": "1078-8956", "eissn": "1546-170X"} |
Array of < Literal: String > |
Independent grouping of journals outside of Dimensions, e.g. ‘ERA 2015’ or ‘Norwegian register level 1’. |
["ERA 2018", "ERA 2015", "Nature Index journals", "Norwegian register level 2", "VABB-SHW", "PubMed"] |
Entity: Metrics |
If available, metrics relating to the publication. |
{"times_cited": 59, "recent_citations": 49, "field_citation_ratio": 18.69, "relative_citation_ratio": 5.63} |
Array of < Literal: String > |
Open Access categories of a publication (latest version). |
["oa_all", "hybrid"] |
Literal: String |
The pages of the publication, as they would appear in a citation record. |
"450-452" |
Literal: String |
For supported publication types, the Dimensions Publication ID of a record considered to be the parent item of the publication (ie. parent book of a book chapter). |
"pub.1139252542" |
Array of < Literal: String > |
Dimensions patent IDs of the patents citing this publication. Note: only front-page citations are included in this column, please use the patent field |
["US-10005847-B2", "US-9975965-B2", "US-10087236-B2", "US-10023892-B2", "US-9981030-B2", "EP-3149161-A4", "US-9982041-B2", "US-10086054-B2", "EP-3154582-A4"] |
Literal: String |
PubMed Central ID. |
"5258742" |
Literal: String |
PubMed ID. |
"28174697" |
Entity: BilingualValue |
Title of the conference proceedings volume associated to a publication. |
{"preferred": "70th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics - Gallery of Fluid Motion"} |
Entity: Publisher |
The publisher associated with the publication. |
{"id": "pblshr.1000297", "name": "Springer Nature"} |
Entity: PubMedDetails |
PubMed related details of a publication (MeSH terms, publication types etc.). |
{"mesh": {"terms": ["Biology", "Body Temperature*", "Lactation*", "Menstruation*", "Physiology", "Postpartum Period*", "Pregnancy*", "Reproduction"], "headings": ["Biology", "Body Temperature", "Lactation", "Menstruation", "Physiology", "Postpartum Period", "Pregnancy", "Reproduction"], "ui": ["D001695", "D001831", "D007774", "D008598", "D010827", "D049590", "D011247", "D012098"]}, "publication_types": ["English Abstract", "Journal Article"], "keywords": ["Prepausal lengthening", "clinical speech", "cognitive impairment", "final pitch contour", "motor impairment", "neurodegeneration"]} |
Array of < Literal: String > |
Dimensions publication ID for publications within the references list, i.e. outgoing citations. |
["pub.1003745056", "pub.1047105628", "pub.1124432156", "pub.1124849058", "pub.1101319525", "pub.1125089278", "pub.1125023869", "pub.1124952342", "pub.1124545162", "pub.1068792420", "pub.1042718596", "pub.1071109188", "pub.1101082061", "pub.1125019094", "pub.1124545567", "pub.1123164359", "pub.1034803318", "pub.1083833413", "pub.1042043208", "pub.1124290823", "pub.1125032130", "pub.1122111594", "pub.1100421004", "pub.1038948366", "pub.1125032079", "pub.1124815253", "pub.1009620758", "pub.1110510319", "pub.1101707417"] |
Array of < Literal: String > |
Identified DOIs based on DOI prefixes from Figshare and DataCite. |
["10.7916/d8-ap9q-gb94", "10.7916/d8-8z2a-ae81", "10.7916/d8-xve8-cp65", "10.7916/d8-gc9d-na95", "10.7916/d8-qht81b06", "10.7916/d8-2wvg-3s49", "10.7916/d8tw8g-df80", "10.7916/d8-se8h-zf85", "10.7916/d8-4fh7-zm92", "10.7916/d8q1zt-av34", "10.7916/d8-mc251950"] |
Array of < Literal: Integer > |
City of the organisations authors are affiliated to, expressed as GeoNames ID and name. |
[2147714, 5391811, 5128581, 4335045, 5363943, 2650225, 4356050] |
Array of < Literal: String > |
City names of the organisations authors are affiliated to. |
["La Jolla", "Germantown", "New Orleans", "New York", "San Diego", "Edinburgh", "Sydney"] |
Array of < Literal: String > |
Country of the organisations authors are affiliated to, identified using GeoNames codes. |
["US", "AU", "GB"] |
Array of < Literal: String > |
Country names of the organisations that authors are affiliated to, as a string. |
["Australia", "United Kingdom", "United States"] |
Array of < Literal: String > |
Country specific state codes of the organisations that authors are affiliated to, expressed as GeoNames codes (ISO-3166-2). |
["US-LA", "US-MD", "US-NY", "US-CA", "AU-NSW"] |
Array of < Literal: String > |
State names of the organisations that authors are affiliated to, as a string. |
["Maryland", "California", "Louisiana", "New South Wales", "New York"] |
Array of < Literal: String > |
GRID organisations associated to the publication. Identifiers are automatically extracted from author affiliations text, so they can be missing in some cases. |
["grid.214007.0", "grid.265219.b", "grid.1013.3", "grid.505518.c", "grid.21729.3f", "grid.4305.2"] |
Array of < Literal: String > |
Dimensions Researcher IDs matched to the publication authors list. |
["ur.01051136257.59", "ur.01306555033.15", "ur.0633743356.16", "ur.0701117322.53", "ur.012501436222.04"] |
Literal: String |
For preprints, the DOIs of the resulting full publications. |
"10.1038/s41586-018-0825-4" |
Entity: Source |
The source title this publication belongs to, this may be a journal, a book series or a preprint platform. |
{"id": "jour.1276054", "title": "Speech prosody", "original_title": "SpeechProsody", "issn": null, "eissn": "2333-2042"} |
Literal: String |
The Dimensions source title ID for the publication. |
"jour.1276054" |
Array of < Literal: String > |
Subtitles of a publication (when available). |
["Court of Justice of the European Union (Grand Chamber) Grupo Norte Facility SA v. Angel Manuel Moreira G\u00f3mez, Decision of 5 June 2018, Case C-574/16"] |
Array of < Literal: String > |
Grants supporting the publication, list of Dimensions Grant IDs. |
["grant.6814152", "grant.7159458", "grant.6809668", "grant.8472835", "grant.2691343", "grant.7072708", "grant.7439078"] |
Entity: BilingualValue |
Title of a publication. |
{"preferred": "The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2"} |
Literal: String |
Publication type (one of: article, chapter, proceeding, monograph, preprint or book). |
"article" |
Literal: String |
Publication volume. |
"26" |
Literal: Integer |
The year of publication for the version of record (note: when the date field is available, this is equal to the year part of the full date). |
2020 |
Publications Links¶
The diagram below provides an overview of the outgoing links from Publications to other sources.

Auxiliary Entities¶
Field |
Type |
Description |
Literal: Integer |
City identified in the affiliation, as GeoName IDs. |
Literal: String |
Country/territory identified in the affiliation, as ISO-3166 alpha-2 codes. |
Literal: String |
GRID organisation identifier assigned to the affiliation. |
Literal: String |
Raw affiliation address as seen in the source document. |
Literal: String |
State/region identified in the affiliation, as ISO 3166-2 codes. |
Field |
Type |
Description |
Literal: String |
Altmetric research output identifier linked to this publication. |
Literal: Integer |
Field |
Type |
Description |
Array of < Entity: AffiliationAddress > |
Listing of processed affiliation addresses. |
Literal: Boolean |
Indicator that the author is considered a corresponding author for the publication. |
Literal: String |
First name of the author. |
Array of < Literal: String > |
Based on the affiliation addresses, associated GRID organisation identifiers for the author. |
Literal: String |
Initials for the author. Note: this is no longer populated and has been deprecated. |
Literal: String |
Last/family name of the author. |
Array of < Literal: String > |
If present, the ORCID identifier for the author. |
Array of < Literal: String > |
Listing of raw affiliations, as seen in the source document. |
Literal: String |
The determined Dimensions Researcher ID for the author. |
Field |
Type |
Description |
Literal: String |
Original non-English value as present within the source. |
Literal: String |
English version of the value or the translated to English representation (where an original value is also present). |
Field |
Type |
Description |
Literal: String |
Dimensions publication identifier of the citing publication. |
Literal: Integer |
Citing publications year of publication. |
A complex categorization system featuring two hierarchical levels, where each category value includes a unique identification code.
Field |
Type |
Description |
Entity: SystematicCategoryLevel |
First level of categorisation within the classification scheme. |
Entity: SystematicCategoryLevel |
Second level of categorisation within the classification scheme. |
Field |
Type |
Description |
Literal: String |
Normalized noun phrase describing a main topic within the document. Automatically derived using machine learning techniques. |
Literal: Float |
Relevance ranking of the normalized noun phrase within the document’s field of study. |
Field |
Type |
Description |
Literal: String |
For conference proceedings, where available, the location of the conference. |
Literal: String |
For conference proceedings, where available, the name of the associated conference. |
Field |
Type |
Description |
Literal: String |
The automated document type classification. |
Literal: Boolean |
The automated citable document flag. |
Field |
Type |
Description |
Entity: BilingualValue |
First name of the associated editor. |
Entity: BilingualValue |
Family/last name of the associated editor. |
Field |
Type |
Description |
Literal: String |
For conference events, where available, the date of the conference. |
Literal: String |
For conference events, where available, the location of the conference. |
Literal: String |
For conference events, where available, the name of the associated conference. |
Literal: String |
For conference events, where available, the sponsor of the conference. |
Field |
Type |
Description |
Literal: String |
Dimensions grant identifier linked to the funding, if identified. |
Literal: String |
Dimensions organisation identifier (GRID) of the funder, if identified. |
Field |
Type |
Description |
Literal: String |
Electronic International Standard Serial Number of the publication’s journal. |
Literal: String |
Dimensions source title identifier for the journal associated with the publication. |
Literal: String |
International Standard Serial Number of the publication’s journal. |
Literal: String |
Title for the journal associated with the publication. |
Field |
Type |
Description |
Array of < Literal: String > |
The MeSH headings if known, does not include the subheadings. |
Array of < Literal: String > |
The MeSH terms if known, including subheadings. |
Array of < Literal: String > |
The MeSH unique ids if known, including unique ids of subheadings. |
Field |
Type |
Description |
Literal: Float |
Relative citation performance of article when compared to similarly aged articles in its area of research. |
Literal: Integer |
Number of citations received in the last two years. Does not support emptiness filters. |
Literal: Float |
Relative citation performance of an article when compared to others in its area of research. |
Literal: Integer |
Number of citations. |
Field |
Type |
Description |
Array of < Literal: String > |
Keywords for the PubMed publication, if present. |
Entity: MedicalSubjectHeadings |
PubMed related MeSH terms, headings and unique ids, if known. |
Array of < Literal: String > |
PubMed publication types, if known. |
Field |
Type |
Description |
Literal: String |
Dimensions publisher identifier linked to the publication’s publisher. |
Literal: String |
Name of the publisher linked to the publication. |
Listing of classification values assigned within a categorization scheme that consists solely of straightforward values. Values do not contain numbering or any other identification approach.
Field |
Type |
Description |
Array of < Entity: SimpleCategory > |
A complete listing of category values, assigned to this particular record, including the unique Dimensions identifier associated with each catergory value. |
Array of < Literal: String > |
Listing of all catergory values assigned to this particular record. |
Field |
Type |
Description |
Literal: String |
Dimensions specific identifier assigned to the category value. |
Literal: String |
Category value associated with the simple classification scheme. |
Field |
Type |
Description |
Literal: String |
Electronic International Standard Serial Number of the publication’s source title. |
Literal: String |
The Dimensions source ID, if we could assign one. |
Literal: String |
International Standard Serial Number of the publication’s source title. |
Literal: String |
The journal/book series/preprint platform name as seen on the original document. |
Literal: String |
Title of the source the publication belongs to. |
Listing of categorization values assigned within a classification scheme. Consists of a single flat hierarchy and categorisation values all contain either a numbering or code based identification approach.
Field |
Type |
Description |
Array of < Literal: String > |
Listing of all catergory specific codes assigned to this particular record. |
Array of < Entity: SystematicCategory > |
A complete listing of category values, assigned to this particular record, including the unique Dimensions identifier associated with each catergory value. |
Field |
Type |
Description |
Literal: String |
Numeric or non-numeric category value code. Value is classification scheme specific. |
Literal: String |
Dimensions specific identifier assigned to the category value. |
Literal: String |
Individual category value description, excluding the classification scheme specific code prefix. |
A grouping of assigned category values for a specific level of classification, used in systems that feature multiple hierarchical levels.
Field |
Type |
Description |
Array of < Literal: String > |
A consolidated list of all category-specific codes at a particular classification level, assigned to this record. |
Array of < Entity: SystematicCategory > |
A listing of category values at a specific classification level, assigned to this particular record, including the unique Dimensions identifier associated with each category value. |
Versioned categories represent specific revisions of machine learning models used in determining which categories apply to each item within a data source. If you require to always utilise the most recent version of a category, that is, the same version that is available from the Dimensions website or the DSL API, then using the top level categories (ie. ‘category_for’, ‘category_bra’) will provide categories which are always in alignment.
Field |
Type |
Description |
Entity: SimpleCategorization |
Entity: ComplexSystematicCategorization |
Entity: SimpleCategorization |
Entity: SimpleCategorization |
Entity: SystematicCategorization |
Entity: SystematicCategorization |
Entity: SimpleCategorization |
Entity: SimpleCategorization |
Entity: SimpleCategorization |
Entity: SystematicCategorization |
Entity: SystematicCategorization |
Entity: SystematicCategorization |
Entity: SimpleCategorization |
Deprecated in favor of: |
Entity: SimpleCategorization |
Deprecated in favor of: |
Entity: SystematicCategorization |
Deprecated in favor of: |
Entity: SystematicCategorization |
Deprecated in favor of: |
Entity: SimpleCategorization |
Deprecated in favor of: |
Entity: SimpleCategorization |
Deprecated in favor of: |
Publications Deprecations¶
This section lists fields that have been deprecated and should no longer be used within queries. In time, deprecated fields will be removed from the data source’s corresponding schema in BigQuery.
Deprecated Fields¶
Field |
Type |
Description |
Array of < Literal: String > |
Deprecated in favor of: |
Array of < Literal: String > |
Deprecated in favor of: |
Array of < Literal: String > |
Deprecated in favor of: |