This section provides information about the Researchers source ,
listing each field available for Researchers, with details
about the field value type, including whether it may be used as a facet
and whether it is a multi-value field. The table also contains information about whether
the field may be used in the where
section and whether the
field the field may be used in the entity fields filter.
The page also lists the fields included in each fieldset available
for Researchers, and each aggregation indicator available.
By default, Researchers is sorted by the relevance, unless specified differently using Sorting Results option.
Researchers Fields
Fields are used to perform searches on the source they belong to. Note: the emptiness filters can be used on any field, irrespectively of whether filtering / faceting is enabled on them.
Field |
Type |
Multi? |
Filter? |
Facet? |
Description |
Entity: organizations |
✓ |
✓ |
The most recent research organization linked to the researcher. |
Literal: string |
Link pointing to the Dimensions web application |
Literal: integer |
✓ |
✓ |
First year the researcher was awarded a grant. |
Literal: string |
✓ |
First Name. |
Literal: integer |
✓ |
✓ |
Literal: string |
✓ |
Dimensions researcher ID. |
Literal: integer |
✓ |
✓ |
Last year the researcher was awarded a grant. |
Literal: string |
✓ |
Last Name. |
Literal: integer |
✓ |
✓ |
Literal: string |
✓ |
The PI Profile ID (i.e., ppid) is a Researcher ID from the US National Institute of Health (NIH). |
Literal: integer |
✓ |
Indicates researcher ID status. 0 means that the researcher ID is still active, 1 means that the researcher ID is no longer valid. See the redirect field for further information on invalid researcher IDs. |
Literal: string |
✓ |
✓ |
Literal: string |
✓ |
✓ |
Indicates status of a researcher ID marked as obsolete. Empty means that the researcher ID was deleted. Otherwise ID provided means that is the new ID into which the obsolete one was redirected. If multiple values are available, it means that the original researcher ID was split into multiple IDs. |
Entity: organizations |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
All research organizations linked to the researcher. |
Literal: float |
✓ |
For full-text queries, the relevance score is a numerical value assigned to a document that indicates how relevant that document is for a given query. Note: the score is query-specific i.e. it cannot be used to compare documents across queries. |
Literal: integer |
✓ |
✓ |
Total grants count. |
Literal: integer |
✓ |
✓ |
Total publications count. |
Researchers Links
The diagram below provides an overview of the outgoing links from Researchers to other sources.

Researchers Fieldsets
Fieldsets are used to specify fields groups in the context of a return statement.
Fieldset |
Fields |
Researchers Indicators
Indicators are used to aggregate results in the context of a facet query.
Indicator |
Description |
Total count |
Researchers Deprecations
This section lists fields and search fields that have been deprecated and should not be used.
This fields will be supported in versions 2.10.x and removed in the next major release. To ensure full compatibility with the upcoming major release, it is recommend to stop using deprecated fields as soon as possible.
Deprecated Fields
Researchers source has no deprecated fields.
Partially Deprecated Fields
Researchers source has no partially deprecated fields.
Deprecated Search Indexes
Researchers source has no deprecated search indexes.