The Dimensions Search Language

Version 2.10.0

Welcome to the documentation of the Dimensions Search Language (DSL) project. The DSL enables users to perform analytics on the Dimensions database.

This documentation contains high-level information about the project and its development, as well as the language’s features and usage. Please see the APIs Homepage for more details about available API packages and subscriptions.


The Dimensions Analytics API is subscription-only, so your Dimensions account needs to be activated for this service and subject to restrictions on use. Please send an email to if you have any questions.


The Dimensions Analytics API is not intended for bulk data or to power dashboards or other derivative products. The purpose of the API is to help support complex analytical tasks that could not otherwise be achieved through use of the Dimensions platform. For more information see also the page about Reasonable use.


Explore real-world applications of the API at the Dimensions API Lab , an open-source repository of Jupyter notebooks demonstrating how to carry out common scholarly analytics tasks e.g. building a citation network, doing a journal competitors analysis, tracking researchers’ affiliations over time etc..
